Anti-Masturbation Cross

Added: June 23, 2015
Views: 3370
Anti-Masturbation Cross

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Are you one of the millions that suffer from A.D.D.?
Are you one of the millions that suffer from A.D.D.?
Great way to embarrass those jerks who like to double park.
Great way to embarrass those jerks who like to double park.
The shower is a great place to reflect on your life.
The shower is a great place to reflect on your life.
Octopus pie is pure genius.
Octopus pie is pure genius.
When was the last time you actually gave a shit?
When was the last time you actually gave a shit?
Truthful example of what it is like to be a female in the social media world.
Truthful example of what it is like to be a female in the social media world.